If you’ve ever bought books from us or interacted with us on Twitter/Facebook and wanted to know more about who we are and how we work this is your chance. Thanks the folks on Twitter(who recommended us a month or so back to Priya on Twitter) we are featured in today’s Mint Lounge.
Past life
Dial-a-Book is a Delhi-based start-up founded by brothers Mayank and Tarang Dhingra. Tarang, 25, is a final-year student at the University of Delhi. Mayank, 27, is a software engineer who left a corporate job at Fidelity International in 2005 to work for a string of tech start-ups—from SlideShare, an online presentation hosting service, to MPower Mobile, which works with mobile payments. In 2008, before the Twitter bandwagon bulldozed its way across the country’s Internet landscape, he experimented with….
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